Monday, September 9, 2013

Menu Monday 9/9

After using moving as an excuse to eat and drink to excess the past month it is time to get back on the bandwagon. Both Dan and I use to log and enter what we eat. We also use Fitbits to track our steps and for general competition purposes.

I love scouring websites and Pinterest for healthy, easy recipes to try out. I have found plenty of great recipes that hopefully you will like as well! I am going to try to enter our menu each week not only to share some great recipies with you, but to also hold myself a little more accountable.

Jimmy Johns
(I usually work a part time job on Monday nights. Dan usually fends for himself and I hit up something on my way to work. 95% of the time it is Panera because they list calories and are delicious)

Crock Pot Pulled Pork and Corn
I use the recipe for pulled pork simply because the calories are listed. The only change I make is I use some Oklahoma Joe's BBQ sauce instead of her KC Sauce. The calories are almost identical though. I use Skinny taste recipes all of the time. She lists her calories and nutrition information online, but be sure to double check them if you are strict with your counting, her sizes and information are sometimes off.

Bacon Wrapped BBQ Meatloaf
I found this great website Emily Bites online. She lists Weight Watchers points as well as enters all of her recipes into myfitnesspal. I have another one of her recipes coming up later this week as well.

Hamburgers and Salad
Using leftover ground beef and turkey from our meatloaf the night before and a Dole Salad Kit

Buffalo Chicken Sandwiches

Leftovers or Dinner Out



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